• 本剧根据澳大利亚作家HollyRingland的小说改编,简体中文版已在2019年6月由中信出版集团引进;《企鹅布鲁姆》和《哭声》导演GlendynIvin将执导全部集数,《罗家》的编剧KirstyFisher与《红粉联盟》KimWilson将共同执笔。小说的主人公是名年轻的女孩“AliceHart”,童年时所经受的家庭暴力让她的成年生活蒙上了阴影。一场神秘而又悲剧性的大火带走了虐待自己的父亲和心爱自己的母亲,孤身一人的她被送往奶奶“June”(Sigourney誓言)家中;这里是座被花卉簇拥着的农场,而她在这里也渐渐了解了属于家庭和自己的过往。整个故事以澳大利亚的自然景观作为背景,生长在这里的野花与植物,诉说着那些不易表达的故事与情感。整个故事的跨度长达几十年,记叙了Alice从女孩到女人的非凡历程。她开始重新学会了爱,并且勇敢地为自己的心上人所奋斗。
  • 独家高清首发稀缺资源-大漠资源(damozy.com)
  • 二战末期,德国的反犹政策还在坚定不移地推行着。来自马赛的犹太孩子波奈特(拉法艾丽·弗托RaphaelFejtö饰)因此家破人亡,被送到法国的学校念书。在这里,他一直小心翼翼的保守着他的秘密,但还是因为新生的关系常常遭到同学戏弄。其中就有法国有钱家庭出身的朱利安(加斯帕尔·马奈斯GaspardManesse饰)。朱利安和波奈特成为了室友,在共同相处的日子里,朱利安发现,这个经常被欺负的男孩有着跟自己志趣相投的一面。两人的关系渐渐融洽,成了童年要好的伙伴。当朱利安从种种迹象猜测出波奈特的犹太人背景时,他没有疏远波奈特,而且还帮忙隐藏这个秘密。也许在孩子的心中,政治世界在真挚的友谊面前显得太过渺小。然而,大人的魔掌还是侵入了波奈特的人生,保护犹太孩子的神父和波奈特都被出卖了……
  • 一个叫尼古拉斯男孩儿将要成为下一个圣诞老人,但是首先要避免一场危机,他将如何战胜邪恶的魔法,成为圣诞老人?
  • The lines start with “O Somma Luce” which is the title of the film and also the 67th line of the 33rd canto in “Paradiso” of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” to the end of “Paradiso”.  The film is completed with music and lines instead of emotions and narrations.  This is a recent attempt to combine film with literature.The film begins with a black screen and the music of Edgard Varese. The BGM is “Deserts” that was recorded in 1954. After some moments of darkness, the music ends and a middle-aged man sits on a hill, reciting something. He is Giorgio Passerone, an Italian literature professor, and he is reading out of the last part of ‘Paradiso’ of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Jean-Marie Straub expressed how he thinks of Dante through a subtle accent and dialect. The director who had encoded many great artists and musicians including Bach, complete the combination of Dante and Varese, which could seem strange. (Lim Kyung Yong)
  • 主人公是22岁的少女妮可,父母外出后独自照看房子,她和好朋友韦萝妮克享受着夏日惬意的时光。这种平静被妮可的哥哥打破了,他带着他的乐队出现了,他们正打算为专辑录歌。两个女孩的友谊受到了考验。她们的假日出现了意想不到的转折。妮可开始失眠,并且收到了来自一个只有十岁的男孩坚持不渝的追求。
  • TURTLE TALE is inspired by events that took place at the George C. McGough Nature Park in Largo, Florida - the story of JR the OWL as witnessed and told by the nature park's first inhabitants, 'THE TURTLES'. The turtles, HANK, RAFI and GOLIATH, and their community live in a beautiful pond with nice clean water, lots of food and are witnesses to all the events of the park as they get ready for another busy summer camp season, never suspecting what is about to happen at the park and to themselves.一群青少年、一个野生动物公园、一个夏天组合在一起,以海龟的视角发生的一段故事。
  • A contemplative retiree, Germain, suddenly finds himself a widower at 75. He doesn’t even have time to catch his breath before his family interferes in his daily life constant visits and calls, pre-arranged meals... His life becomes timed like a Swiss watch! But Germain’s mind is elsewhere. Honoring a promise made to his wife, he is propelled into the heart of a contemporary d...…