• Set against the Cannes, Cote d'Azur, channelling the feel-good humour, the action centres on the relationship between an idealistic and ambitious female cop and a Canadian ex-conman and master of counterfeit, who's on the run from both the police and the mob. The pair are forced into an unlikely -- and surprisingly successful -- crime-fighting partnership, which sees them solve a murder case in each close-ended episode. However, the drama's long arc focuses on the main character's quest to find the criminals who framed her father, a local-hero police officer who was jailed for a murder he didn't commit.
  • 与日常四周格格不入却仍不想陷于自怜自伤的话,谈一场恋爱如何?可惜这年头轰轰烈烈不轮到他们,迂回兜转最后甘于暧昧缠绵,一头栽进的迷雾抹不掉自恋两字?两颗寂寞的心相逢于波图一夜,淡淡的连结共享了莫名感动的时刻;眼前只有丝丝入扣的影像,背后也许尚勾起似有还无的回忆,之后你记得也好,最好忘掉。比《情留半天》更飘逸,较《有人喜欢蓝》更浪荡。真实本就在万千一瞬之间消逝,有情人能把握的,说是时间的结晶,到头来只能是如诗的升华。