• 一个家庭暂时与他们女儿的家人联系,他们已经在犯罪前度过了20年。
  • 一天早上,艾里克斯·金教授和他的儿子克里斯正匆忙赶往学校,他们上了一台电梯,惨剧由此发生。一场突如其来的大爆炸炸断了电梯的缆绳,死里逃生的克里斯亲眼目睹了父亲的惨死!
  • Suspended between carefree youth and the harsh realities of the adult world, a teenage girl experiences an unsettling awakening in this haunting vision of innocence lost. Based on the celebrated short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates, the narrative debut from Joyce Chopra features a revelatory breakout performance by Laura Dern as Connie, the fifteen-year-old black sheep of her family whose summertime idyll of beach trips, mall hangouts, and innocent flirtations is shattered by an encounter with a mysterious stranger (a memorably menacing Treat Williams). Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, Smooth Talk captures the thrill and terror of adolescent sexual exploration as it transforms the conventions of a coming-of-age story into something altogether more troubling and profound.
  • 故事发生在1870年的英国,传闻中海怪的出没的消息惹得人心惶惶,各国政府都排遣除了军舰在大海上巡逻,哪知道这些军舰均被海怪给击沉了。阿龙纳斯教授(Dan Hanlon 饰)和他的助手康赛尔成为了海难中的幸存者,同时保住了小命的还有鱼叉手尼德(Curtis Benton 饰),一行人被鹦鹉螺号潜艇救起,他们也就此认识了潜艇的主人尼莫船长。尼莫船长久仰阿龙纳斯的大名,把他当做上宾接待。但是船长暴躁的个性和激进的手段让阿龙纳斯明白,此地不宜久留。尼莫船长向阿龙纳斯展示了自己多年来苦心钻研的研究成果,亦带他畅游神秘的海底世界,但阿龙纳斯的脑袋里只有一个念头,那就是逃走。