• 善良孝顺的小精灵希力咕,在相依为命的爷爷因年迈去世后,勇敢踏上了寻找亲人的冒险旅程。他既要学会融入新的家庭,与一些中二叛逆的邪魅小精灵斗智斗勇,还要应对孤独乖僻一心只想捕捉袜子精灵的人类怪教授……惊险刺激又妙趣横生的冒险故事中,蕴藏着充满温情的大智慧。
  • 一部惊人的完美融合真人与纸剪动画的影片,捷克超现实主义动画大师杨·史云梅耶最新作品,2010年威尼斯影展官方选片,台湾金马影展观摩电影影片介绍梦真的是现实所无法达成欲望的满足吗?影响蒂姆·波顿、泰瑞·吉列姆等奇幻名导至深的捷克超现实主义动画大师,再度以其结合真人演出和剪纸动画的拿手好戏,带来一出中年男子沉迷梦境的‘精神分析喜剧’,大剌剌地揶揄佛洛伊德、容格与满口‘潜意识’的心理医生,以一贯的诙谐犀利与荒诞奇想,打造横跨梦境与现实的生存法则!
  • Mannheim-Heidelberg International FilmfestivalYearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)1969 Won Grand PrizeDusan HanákA government official in Czechoslovakia mistakenly believes he has cancer. He reasons his involvement in clandestine activities during the Stalin administration have fated him to die from a dreaded disease. He searches for inner peace as he feels the guilt of his past transgressions. This film tied for the Grand Prize at the Mannheim Film Festival in 1969.Slovak director Dusan Hanak was one of Czech cinema's brightest and best talents of the '60s and '70s, but because of censorship this was not manifest until the late '80s. Dusan made an impact on the film world with his auspicious debut 322 (1969). Though banned until 1988, when it was finally released, it earned international acclaim and the Grand Prix award at the Mannheim Film Festival. Hanak's sophomore effort, the documentary Obrazy Stareho SvetaImage of an Old World (completed in 1972), was also not released until 1988
  • A documentary revealing former Czech president Vaclav Havel's private moments and backroom dealings.
  • 史楚锡(Bruno S.  饰)是一名街头流浪艺人,穷苦的生活让他感到走投无路,在邻居的怂恿下,他和女友艾娃(Eva Mattes 饰)决定远赴美国,开始他们的淘金之旅。在艾娃通过出卖身体筹得路费之后,三人上路了。初到美国,一切都显得光明而充满希望,三人均找 到了稳定的工作过上了平静的生活,存了一笔小钱。一次偶然中,史楚锡通过朋友得知他可以通过分期付款的方式获得属于自己的房子,做梦都想有一个家的史楚锡毫不犹豫的出手了。第一次付款的日期很快就到来了,可是史楚锡却发现他们无法支付高额的房款,随之而来的就是第二次付款日。银行没收了史楚锡的房产,在异国他乡,史楚锡重新变成了穷困潦倒的流浪汉。在无谓的挣扎之后,史楚锡终于认命了,在一间荒芜的游乐园里,他结束了自己的生命。
  • 1973年,居住在纽约的捷克犹太作家威利·弗雷德知道儿子女朋友的母亲也曾被关押在奥斯维辛集中营,父子俩登门拜会,威利见到了苦寻三十年的集中营恋人科莱特·科恩,威利的记忆闸门再次被打开……1943年7月,威利被转押到奥斯维辛·比克瑙集中营,不久比利时犹太女孩科莱特也被火车送来。威利在火车站台上叮嘱刚下车的科莱特要自称缝纫工,这使得科莱特免遭进毒气室。后来科莱特被分配去检查犹太人衣物中藏匿的贵重物品;威利则利用送取衣物之机偷偷在营内传递食品和药物,共同的命运使两人很快相恋了……
  • This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off from the surrounding world. Stupidity, selfishness and aggressiveness then come to the surface in this society under threat. In the film's key scene, a woman is raped by the self-styled leader. Zdenuk Mahler, who would later work on Forman's examination Mozart Amadeus, worked on the script.The director Evald Schorm (1929-1988) was one of the most original members of the Czech New Wave. During the normalization era, Schorm spent many years unable to direct. His last film, Killing with Kindness (1988) was only made in the twilight years of Communism. During that period when he was unable to direct films, he became an outstanding stage director. He directed groundbreaking pro
  • 网上关于这座桥的历史资料不甚详尽,关于影片的介绍更是简单的可怜,在看过的一些历史记录片中对这座桥大多也是寥寥几句带过——可是,希特勒曾说过这样一句话:“有两个“桥头堡”决定了我们德国的命运,一个在诺曼底,而另一个在雷马根!”《雷玛根大桥》(Bridge at Remagen)——美国米高梅公司1969年拍摄;导 演:John Guillermin ;主 演:乔治·西格尔、本·吉扎拉、马歇尔等;片长115 分钟。作为艺术作品,这部故事片加入了不少虚构的人物和情节,内涵相当丰富,想来许多朋友都已看过,国内还有译制版本,在下不多啰嗦......只是想为同样对这座桥或这部影片感兴趣的朋友提供些参考!雷马根大桥被美军占领,“如同一把手术刀,在德国人的莱茵河防线上切开了一道口子!”河对岸镇守厄尔波尔镇的100多名德军工兵发起了自杀式的冲锋,几乎全部阵亡!德军的大炮猛烈轰击大桥和美军架设的舟桥,甚至出动了当时刚刚研制成功的喷气式飞机来炸桥,后来还发射了11枚V1飞弹,但令人不可思议的是这一切都没能奏效;与此同时,美军工兵夜以继日地拼命加固受损的桥身,保证大批步兵和坦克源源不断地挺进德国腹地——希特勒十分恼怒,下令所有与雷马根大桥失守有关联的人员,除一人外全部枪决!雷马根鲁登道夫铁桥全貌到三月六日,美第六军攻占科隆,从而在荷兰的涅米根到科隆之间一百多英里的区域形成了盟军首尾呼应的连续战线。科隆以南,德第五装甲集团军面对的是美第一和第三军,后者正快速突破德军阵地。当攻占科隆以后,美军没有满足已有的胜利。击溃德第五装甲集团军后,如果继续穷追猛打,很可能在德军休整前就将它们包围。目前这是可行的。三月七日,美第七军从科隆出发向波恩发起进攻,美第三军,则去夺取艾尔河上的桥梁。当天中午,美第七装甲师〔隶属美第三军〕的B战斗团听到一个振奋人心的消息:雷马根地区莱茵河上的鲁登道夫铁桥还未被德军炸毁。要完整地夺取该桥,这可是天赐良机。因此,美第七装甲师向雷马根扑去。下午,当美第七装甲师准备过桥时,对面的德军正要引爆炸桥,但未能成功,这样美第七装甲师成功的渡过了莱茵河,并建立了稳固的桥头堡。巨大的桥头碉堡扼守着大桥两侧此时,希特勒怒火中烧,开始对鲁登道夫铁桥实施轰炸,用火炮猛击,还从波恩调来德第十一装甲师及五一二独立重驱逐坦克营〔恩斯特和奥托·卡利欧斯指挥〕的“猎虎”,甚至动用了V-2火箭。直到三月十
  • In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon becomes evident that the man has no intention of going to live with his children, and intends to stay in the house. At first, they find his presence unbearable, but when he must go to the hospital, they begin to realize that they care for the feisty old gentleman.~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide
  • A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.
  • 这部作品最特别的在于整个故事是以赫拉巴尔的童年经历为蓝本,他小时候家里有座自营的啤酒厂,母亲迷人大方,父亲勤劳内向,平和的家庭却因为叔叔宛如不速之客的介入,而起了波澜 ...... 一部充满诗意、想像、幽默与捷克啤酒金黄魅力的杰出喜剧。伊利曼佐一向被公认为是最擅长改编捷 克文豪拉拔尔作品的导演,包括【严密监视的列车】、【失翼灵雀】等,两人一共合作了五部作品。拉拔尔擅以幽默俚俗的语调来呈现人民的性格,融政治历史讽喻于其中。
  • As its title suggests THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE is an awe -inspiring, meticulous cinematic rendering of the aesthetic and conceptual inventions of proto-science fiction genius Jules Verne, based on one of the famed author's lesser known short stories. However, the real star of the film is the intricate art direction, successfully rendering the visual style of nineteenth century woodcuts and engravings into motion pictures, creating a stylized and surreal graphic world within which Verne’s fanciful tale unfolds. A brilliant scientist, Dr. Roche, perches high above a stormy sea, inventing a powerful explosive, when he and his assistant are kidnapped by an evil businessman, Artigas. Taken by submarine to Artigas' volcano headquarters, Roche is tricked into developing his experiment for evil intentions. The scientist’s assistant, Simon, struggles all the while to free himself and warn Roche. A magical world of baroque submarines and sailing ships, killer octopus, undersea bicycles