• 独家高清首发稀缺资源-大漠资源(damozy.com)
  • "I want to be yours tonight..." Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them! 'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his school credits, 'a loser' who just got discharged dreaming of heated love and 'a goose father' who hasn't had sex in forever, join a paragliding club for othe...
  • :电影《A V偶像》是一部讲述的是梦想成为偶像歌手韩国泡菜店少女逐步变成日本AV偶像女演员过程的性喜剧电影。除了吕敏静外,日本A.V女士辰巳唯也受邀出演。这部电影是由日本情欲戏巨匠城定秀夫导演和韩国电影公司携手打造的电影作品,电影已经于今年一月份完成所有拍摄工作,并于7月 26日正式上映。